Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Ups and Downs of 18th Birthday Celebrations
Harry Potter star Emma Watson celebrated her big day by staying up until 4.30am after a lavish lunch with fellow cast members. She may have had some wonderful 18th birthday gifts, but they would have paled in comparison to something else she got for the first time that day: access to the £10.5 million that she'd earned and had been held in a trust fund.
Charlotte Church also got her hands on her fortune when she came of age, which may have been some comfort when her 18th birthday gifts didn't include one thing she'd jokingly asked for: a million-pound ruby-studded bra. She celebrated with a quiet buffet for friends and family, but still made the headlines when photographed the worse for wear.
Not only were Prince Harry 18th birthday gifts kept low-profile, but he opted to forgo a lavish birthday celebration. Newspapers had talked of a wild booze and birds bash, but instead he spent the day on charity work, visiting hospital patients and homeless people as well as working on schemes to help young offenders and improve health standards in the third world.
That's pretty much the opposite approach from Maria Sharapova. The tennis superstar's 18th birthday gifts actually included a party sponsored by mobile phone firm Motorola, with the company's logo even appearing on bottles of water. Around 700 people turned up to the Manhattan shindig, which included a live performance by pop band Maroon 5.
Princess Beatrice had a ball literally. Having been born on 8/8/88, she opted for an 1888-themed party at Windsor Castle. Guests wore period dress, though it's not known how many Royals simply wore family hand-me-downs! Beatrice's 18th birthday gifts included a blue and gold ballgown from the exclusive Marchesa label.
Many parents will get out the cameras for their child's 18th, but in Kelly Osbourne's case, the cameras were already there: she was being filmed for the reality TV series The Osbournes. Father Ozzy took her to Vegas (where he was performing) and his present of a 1958 Chevvy was the most lavish of her 18th birthday gifts.
While footballer Wayne Rooney celebrated his big day by signing a five-year contract worth £25,000 a week, his girlfriend Colleen McCoughlin's 18th birthday party wasn't as glamorous as you might imagine. Years before her fairytale wedding, she held her celebrations at a local hotel with sandwiches and sausage rolls. It wasn't on the cheap though, with reports that £10,000 was put behind the bar. That could be could be why the event ended in scuffles!
It's not just celebs whose 18th birthday gifts include misery, however. Just look at Sara Ruscoe, a schoolgirl who made the mistake of putting up a poster inviting the entire sixth form to her house party. As Sara lived in a mansion, that might have seemed manageable. The problem was that a mischief-maker persuaded Radio 1 DJ Pete Tong to give a shoutout to partygoers, mentioning the event was at a mansion in the small Devon town of Bovey Tracey. That's all it took for 2,000 youths to gatecrash in riotous mood, causing at least £2,000 worth of damage.
She's not the only school pupil to get into trouble on her 18th though. Eleven sixth-formers from a Somerset boarding school run by Benedictine monks had to be suspended after a party got completely out of hand. Not only were school displays damaged and thrown in a skip, but the staff room carpet was smeared with dog mess.
To be fair, most people don't behave in such a manner on their birthday and it's perfectly possible to celebrate with a drink responsibly. Indeed, you can always mark the occasion with a 'grown-up' drink such as a vintage whisky.
American teenagers don't make such as big fuss about turning 18: probably because they can't legally drink until 21, meaning traditional 18th birthday gifts such as champagne are a no-no. Then again, some children more than make up for it with earlier birthdays, as viewers of MTV's My Super Sweet Sixteen can confirm!
There is one group of people for whom 18th birthday gifts must be chosen with a little more thought. That's because they were born on February 29th and technically don't celebrate their big day until they've been around for 72 years. Then again, everyone's different, so there's no reason a leap-year birthday boy or girl shouldn't go paintballing or drive a Lamborghini with the rest of them!
10 Most Popular Handbags and Celebrities Using Them
They say women spend more on clothing than men and women spend more on handbags than men. Handbags are real obsession of women, especially the nice and elegant designer’s handbags.
However, with the many designer bags available to choose from, how can anyone choose the most popular and more valuable than others? You may see the value of a handbag from the reputation of the product, design, and the designer. Or you may also give value to a handbag brand if more attractive and famous celebrities choose them also when attending important occasions of their lives.
So, if these two are your basis on choosing the best designer handbag brand, then better take a quick look on the considered top 10 on the list:
10. Ralph Lauren
Last but certainly not the least in our list, Ralph Lauren is a famous brand of handbags all over the world for its preppy, classy, and hip designs. The latest collection of Ralph Lauren is something that many fans of designer handbags usually droll over.
Included to the celebrities using Ralph Lauren handbags are Victoria Beckham, Natalie Portman, and Sienna Miller.
9. Chanel
Chanel is one of the most recognizable designer handbag brand logos in the fashion world. If you watch “Sex and the City,” then you are probably familiar with the line of Chanel handbags.
Nicole Richie, Mischa Barton, Emma Watson, Kristin Davis, and Lauren Conrad are some of the famous celebrities seen using Chanel line of bags.
8. Fendi
That double “F” logo will never be missed in any collection of designer handbag aficionados. With the Fendi purse or handbag, anyone will certainly look elegant and refined.
The singer Jessica Simpson, Jenny McCarthy, and the fashion icon Paris Hilton are some of the celebrities who have those double “F” Fendi logo in their handbag collections.
7. Burberry
Burberry is known for its check pattern trademark. This is also one of the known high quality handbags in the world. Anyone wearing the Burberry trademark is usually welcomed with a “Wow!”
The elegant and famous actress Cameron Diaz and Victoria Beckham are just some of the celebrities using the Burberry trademark.
6. Kate Spade
Due to the love for creating her own line of fashion handbags, Kate Spade decided to leave her job as a fashion editor of Mademoiselle. And now, the Kate Spade line of handbags is among the most recognized classy, functional, and chic handbags in the fashion industry.
Blake Lively is seen using Kate Spade.
5. Prada
When it comes to designer’s bag in Italy, Prada is the first name in mind. Prada bags are known to be chic, classy, and luxurious.
The singer-actress Hillary Duff, the beautiful Eva Longoria, and Liv Tyler are just some of the Prada fanatics.
4. Dooney & Bourke
Dooney & Bourke handbags are known for its luxurious design and materials that is very popular for celebrities and many women worldwide.
Some of the celebrities seen wearing Dooney & Bourke are Hayden Panettiere, Mischa Barton, Emma Roberts, and Marcia Cross.
3. Gucci
Gucci is a name very popular since 1921. The popularity of this Italian brand is known not to vanish until these days.
Elizabeth Taylor and Jacqueline Kennedy are just some of the Gucci handbag aficionados.
2. Louis Vuitton
You certainly won’t miss in the list the Louis Vuitton handbags. The Paris-based fashion house is the supreme statement when it comes to luxury designer bags.
Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Campbell, Kater Moss, Uma Thurman, Jessica Simpson, and Angelina Jolie are celebrities using Louis Vuitton.
1. Coach
The list will never be complete without the New York-based luxury leather goods, the Coach. This brand topped the list with the materials that the handbags use and the familiarity of many women on the Coach brand.
Anne Hathaway can certainly prove the greatness of the Coach brand of handbags.
There may be a lot of designer handbag brands in the world but only few made it to the top 10 list of designer handbags. So, have you got all these brands in your collection already?
Source: http://www.articlesbase.comEMMA WATSON news archive
Emma Watson gets straight As E IsEmma Watson recorded straight As in her three levels |
Emma Watson Is an A-Student Emma Watson is celebrating getting straight A's on her A-levels |
Watson 'thrilled' after A-levels success Emma Watson is celebrating after scoring straight As in her A-levels. |
A-List Emma will potter along to Cambridge Emma Watson could soon be off to Cambridge after scoring straight As in geography |
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Emma Watson's Tale of Despereaux We previously reported that Emma Watson |
'Half-Blood Prince' release pushed back Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter and Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in the now delayed |
Emma Watson's Channel deal Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' star Emma Watson is to be the new face |
Emma Watson?s birthday fun 'Harry Potter' actress Emma Watson partied until the early hours of Sunday morning |
Emma Watson's Chanel deal 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' star Emma Watson is to be the new face |
Emma Watson Dating Italian Actor HARRY POTTER star Emma Watson has sparked rumours she is romancing a young Italian actor |
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Monday, November 10, 2008
Barbados born celebrity.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Monday, November 3, 2008
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Monday, October 27, 2008

maka apa yang akan kita lakukan ?
menikahinya atau ... mencari lagi ?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008

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siapa yang mau punya cewek seperti ini ?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

apakah anda juga setia ???
Marilah kita belajar SETIA !
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
kalu kita sebagai manusia bukan hanya satu ras.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Rihanna Latest Hairstyles
Rihanna doing well Rihanna News - The Nation Newspaper, Barbados This was disclosed by her mentor, Evan Rogers, the American composer and music producer who spotted the then 16-year-old Robyn Rihanna |
Rihanna's Tour Keeps Rolling Rihanna News - The Gossip Girls As her European tour rolls along, Rihanna continues to add to an already.. |
Rihanna - Mimi Holliday lingerie Rihanna News - BERLINISTA, Berlin In her latest video for the groovy song ?Hate that I love you? Rihanna is . |
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hair, Skin, Nails, and Breast Cancer
In this section, we'll discuss everything you need to know about the very visible parts of your body that are affected by cancer treatments—your hair, skin, and nails.
You can find out all about hair loss and why it happens and ways to deal with the loss in relating to your children and your partner. Find out when hair typically grows back. Learn ways to cope, including the use of wigs, scarves, turbans, hats, and makeup. Understand the importance of good skin care and what happens to your nails (and how to manage them) during and after treatment.
Hair Loss
No side effect of breast cancer treatment seems more disturbing than hair loss. For many women, it's worse than losing a breast, which can be hidden under baggy clothing. Hair loss (the medical term is alopecia) threatens your sense of self, your privacy, your sexuality, your personal image, and your vanity—because it's so visible.
Your hair is a big part of how you appear to others and the reflection you see every time you look in the mirror. It's part of the look that helps define you. When your hair goes, you have to start thinking about other ways to present yourself to the world. The cropped or bald look will take some getting used to. Fortunately, although it may seem to take an eternity, your hair WILL come back.
Yes, it's traumatic—but it's also most often temporary., October 8, 2008
Side Effects of Tamoxifen
Side effects of tamoxifen include:
- blood clots (thrombosis)
- endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterine lining)
- abnormal growth of uterine tissue (endometriosis)
- stroke
- fertility issues
- hair and nail thinning
Blood clots (thrombosis)
The most common place for a blood clot to form is in the leg veins. These clots are dangerous because they can break loose, travel to the lung, and clog a vital blood vessel. This is called a pulmonary embolism. If you have had any history of blood clots, tamoxifen will probably not be an option for you. If anyone in your family has had blood clots, be sure to tell your doctor about this as well.
The possibility of pulmonary embolism is less than 1%, meaning that it's likely to affect less than one woman in a hundred taking tamoxifen. If you are taking tamoxifen, call your doctor if you notice any new swelling, redness, discomfort, or warmth in your legs, which might be the first sign of a clot forming there. If you have a tendency to form clots, extra care in choosing a hormonal therapy is important. Sometimes you may need to take a blood-thinning medication (such as baby aspirin) along with hormonal therapy.
Endometrial cancer
Tamoxifen has been shown to increase the risk of endometrial cancer in post-menopausal women who still have a uterus (who have not had a hysterectomy). The lining of the uterus is called the "endometrium." Tamoxifen stimulates the growth of endometrial cells. Over time, the risk of cancer cells developing in this lining is higher for women on tamoxifen.
If you have had breast cancer, you have an increased risk of endometrial cancer. Tamoxifen makes the risk of endometrial cancer a bit higher. The longer you take tamoxifen, the higher your risk of developing a tamoxifen-related endometrial cancer. (But the risk is still low, less than 1%, even if you take tamoxifen for 10 years.) If you are diagnosed with endometrial cancer within the first two years of taking tamoxifen, the cancer was most likely there before you started taking the drug.
Whether or not it is related to tamoxifen use, endometrial cancer can usually be detected in the early stages, and cured with surgery. There are often (but not always) clear early warning signs. Unexpected vaginal bleeding is generally the first sign of trouble, and should be reported to your doctor immediately.
Professional societies of gynecologists and oncologists recommend that you see your gynecologist each year for an exam. Of course, if you have any unusual vaginal bleeding or other disturbing symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.
A Pap smear, always part of your routine yearly exam, can't detect endometrial cancer. This test only evaluates the health of the cervix. The cervix is the mouth of the uterus, not the inner lining (endometrium).
There are two ways to check out the endometrium:
- In trans-vaginal ultrasound, an ultrasound probe is placed inside the vagina to measure the thickness and evenness of the endometrium lining.
- A sample of uterine tissue can be taken so it can be tested. Taking the sample is a quick procedure that can usually be done in the doctor's office and doesn't usually require any anesthesia.
Endometrial ultrasounds and biopsies are not routinely recommended unless you have irregular vaginal bleeding or other related symptoms. Discuss this issue with your doctor.
If you have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) because of endometrial cancer, you may not be able to take tamoxifen to treat breast cancer. But if you have had a hysterectomy for a non-cancerous problem, such as fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia (an overgrowth of normal endometrial cells), or endometrial polyps (fingerlike projections made up of normal cells), you don't have to worry about endometrial cancer.
If you are still menstruating every month, then your risk of endometrial cancer is practically zero.
Other uterine effects of tamoxifen
If you have a history of endometriosis—a non-cancerous condition in which endometrial (uterine lining) cells grow outside the uterus in the belly cavity, on the ovaries, or on the bladder—tamoxifen can make this condition worse.
Tamoxifen can also affect the uterine wall, which can lead to uneven thickening of the muscle and supportive tissues within the wall of the uterus. The result can be fibroids (ball-like overgrowths of the tissues in the wall of the uterus), or there can be bumpy irregularities in one area or throughout the uterine wall. These changes can make it difficult for your doctor to examine the endometrium by ultrasound. This is because the ultrasound study may show a thickened or uneven endometrium, when the change is really in the underlying uterine wall.
In June 2002, a new warning was added to the prescribing information, or PI, for tamoxifen. The PI is the leaflet that comes with the medication. According to this warning, women who take tamoxifen have a slightly higher risk than other women for developing cancer of the muscle wall of the uterus, also called uterine sarcoma. The risk of uterine sarcoma with tamoxifen is less than 1%.
For most women who are considered good candidates for tamoxifen, its anti–breast cancer benefits usually outweigh the risks that it could contribute to development of an endometrial cancer or uterine sarcoma.
A comparison of six different studies found that tamoxifen may slightly increase (by less than 1%) the risk of having a stroke.
Fertility issues
If you are taking tamoxifen and you were pre-menopausal before your breast cancer treatment began, you may still be fertile. That's true even if your periods stopped or became irregular during treatment. Your ovaries may recover and might start developing eggs again. If you do not want to get pregnant, you must use a barrier form of birth control, such as condoms or a diaphragm with contraceptive gel (the gel also serves as a lubricant). Do not take birth control pills. They contain estrogens, which are not considered safe for women who have had breast cancer. Also, both birth control pills and tamoxifen have each been shown to increase the risk of blood clots. Therefore, taking them together may result in an extra-high risk of blood clots, which could be dangerous.
It's also especially important, if you are fertile, to stick to your daily dose schedule of tamoxifen. That's because if tamoxifen is taken on and off, it can actually stimulate the ovaries, like a fertility drug. If you want to get pregnant, stop taking tamoxifen before you start trying to conceive, because the drug should not be taken during any stage of pregnancy.
If you do get pregnant while you are taking tamoxifen and you want to keep the pregnancy, stop the tamoxifen. But don't drive yourself crazy worrying about the effect that a month or so of tamoxifen might have had on the baby. Tamoxifen has not been shown to produce birth defects in humans.
Hair and nail thinning
Hair thinning is unlikely to happen to you, but it's distressing if it does—especially if your hair has just grown back after you've lost it from chemotherapy. Hair thinning or loss associated with tamoxifen is much like hair loss related to low estrogen during menopause. In both cases, it tends to level off with time.
Hair thinning may respond to the prescription medication Rogaine (chemical name: minoxidil), but taking this drug is expensive and time-consuming. In addition, it can cause side effects, such as skin rash or itchy skin. If you have heart disease, you should not take Rogaine because it has been shown increase heart rate and decrease blood pressure.
For nail thinning, use moisturizing cream on your hands and avoid vigorous manicures. Nail polish can strengthen your nails and decrease their risk of breaking and peeling. Watch for any signs of infection and follow the do's and don'ts of caring for arm swelling (lymphedema) for the affected side. You may also want to talk to your cancer doctor or nurse about this problem.
Memory loss
Many women on tamoxifen feel that they are growing more forgetful. This is not surprising, since changes in memory often start around the time of a breast cancer diagnosis or during treatment. You're dealing with anxiety, lower estrogen levels, stress, and sleep loss, which all can make it harder for you to remember things. In addition, depression, medication (including chemotherapy), or other medical problems may increase memory loss.
Most women take tamoxifen for two to five years. During those years, the aging process may take away a few cells that help you remember. On the other hand, time can also help in some ways. The trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis will not be as fresh. Your body will grow more able to adjust to new medicines in its system.
Still, many women believe that their hormonal therapy is affecting their memory and thinking ability. So far, few studies have looked at a possible link between memory loss and tamoxifen. One small 2003 study did provide support for the claim that hormone therapy for breast cancer may affect memory.
Any sign of memory loss can be unnerving. If you believe you have tamoxifen-related memory loss, discuss it with your doctor. More studies are needed on this important question.
Rare or unproven side effects of tamoxifen
Vision changes: Eye problems are a rare but possible side effect of tamoxifen. Years ago, when the doses of tamoxifen given were twice what they are today, a few women suffered minor eye damage in the cornea and retina (areas of the eye). A small study of women on today's doses showed an extremely low risk of such eye changes, and those changes went away when the women stopped taking tamoxifen.
There are no strict guidelines on follow-up eye exams for women taking tamoxifen. Some, but not all, cancer doctors recommend eye examinations every year. If you notice any change of vision while taking tamoxifen, have it evaluated by an ophthalmologist or optometrist (eye doctors who treat diseases of the eye) immediately. Your eye doctor will give you eye drops to dilate (fully open) your pupils during the exam in order to get a good view of any early, small changes. If changes are noted, you can discuss them with your cancer doctor to weigh the risks and benefits of continuing to take tamoxifen.
Liver cancer: Studies so far show that tamoxifen does not increase your chance of getting liver cancer. Liver cancer starts in liver cells. It is not the same thing as breast cancer that starts in the breast and spreads to the liver. Liver cancer has been associated with high doses of tamoxifen in rats, but this effect may be specific to the biology of rats—even laboratory MICE do not get liver cancer from tamoxifen.
An original video-on-demand educational initiative brought to you by and Comcast. Visit each week through the end of October for engaging, up-to-date videos and information about the fight to end breast cancer.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How to Avoid Lymphedema
Current methods of breast cancer treatment lower the risk of developing lymphedema. But if you had a radical mastectomy many years ago, you may have had arm swelling, or you may still be at risk for the condition. Prevention is very much in your best interest. Even the safest and most effective therapy may only delay the condition or keep it from worsening. Immediate care is essential with any trauma or infection.
Prevention is the best tool against arm lymphedema. Learn the warning signs and the precautions to take. Make these guidelines and a heightened awareness a regular part of your life.
Skin care is your first line of defense. Since the skin acts as a barrier to infection, any disruption of the skin can spell trouble. Burns, chafing, dryness, cuticle injury (such as hangnails), cracks, cuts, splinters, and insect bites are immediate risks for infection.
Learn to recognize the signs of infection:
- fever
- redness
- swelling, warmth, or tenderness in the at-risk arm
Infection and inflammation can escalate quickly. Redness, tenderness, and warmth can spread from the injury up your arm. Call your doctor as soon as you suspect infection. You may need to start antibiotics immediately with any early sign of trouble. If you already have swelling, or if you have diabetes (whether or not you have swelling) you may need antibiotics after just the smallest of injuries—even without any sign of trouble.
If you already have significant arm edema, sometimes a dental procedure may trigger an arm infection. This is because the work a dentist does on the tissues in your mouth may increase the number of bacteria circulating in your bloodstream. Vulnerable areas in the body, like the compromised drainage of a swollen arm, may become hangouts for the bacteria. If you've already had an arm infection following dental work, talk to your doctor about whether you should take prophylactic (preventive) antibiotics before future dental procedures. (People with heart valve disease take prophylactic antibiotics before or right after a dental procedure for the same reason.)
Dos and Don'ts: Preventing Lymphedema
- Do moisturize your skin frequently and regularly. Use lotions such as Moisturel, Eucerin, Vaseline Intensive Care, or your own favorite brand to make your skin supple and prevent it from cracking.
- Do keep your hand and arm extra-clean, but don't use harsh soaps such as Ivory (despite Ivory's advertised image as a gentle soap) or Dial. Use Dove instead.
- Do use rubber gloves when you wash dishes or hand-wash clothes.
- Do wear protective gloves when you garden or do outside chores.
- Do take more frequent rest breaks when scrubbing, mopping, cleaning, or while doing other vigorous or repetitive activities, especially if your arm feels tired, heavy, or achy.
- Do wear oven mitts when handling hot foods.
- Do use an electric razor instead of a safety razor.
- Do use insect repellents that won't dry out the skin, such as Avon's Skin-So-Soft, which actually moisturizes the skin. Avoid brands that contain a significant amount of alcohol. (Any ingredient that ends in "ol" is a type of alcohol.)
- Do apply antibiotic ointment (like Bactroban) to any insect bites or torn cuticles (as long as you are not allergic to its contents).
- Do protect your arm from sunburn with sunscreen. Use a product with a minimum SPF of 15, although SPF 30 is much better.
- Do use a thimble when you sew.
- Do REST your arm in an elevated position. But don't hold up your arm without support for a long time because your muscles will tire.
- Do control your blood sugars very carefully if you have diabetes, to minimize the danger of damage to the small blood vessels and infection.
- Do wear compression bandages or a compression sleeve and glove on the affected arm when flying in airplanes (if you already have arm swelling).
- Don't take unusually hot baths or showers.
- Don't go from extreme hot to cold water temperatures when you bathe or wash dishes.
- Don't go into high-heat hot tubs, saunas, or steam baths.
- Don't apply heating pads or hot compresses to the arm, neck, shoulder, or back on the affected side. Also, be cautious of other heat-producing treatments provided by physical, occupational, or massage therapists, such as ultrasound, whirlpool, fluidotherapy, or deep tissue massage. Heat and vigorous massage encourage the body to send extra fluid into the compromised area.
- Don't carry heavy objects with your at-risk arm, especially with the arm hanging downward.
- Don't wear heavy shoulder bags on the affected side.
- Don't wear clothing that has tight sleeves or that restrains movement.
- Don't wear your watch or other jewelry on your affected hand or arm.
- Don't use a heavy breast prosthesis after mastectomy. It may put excessive pressure on alternative routes of lymphatic drainage that are already doing double duty. Find a lightweight model or make one yourself.
- Don't drink much alcohol. Alcohol causes blood vessels to expand and leak extra fluid into the tissues.
- Don't smoke. Smoking narrows the small blood vessels, lessening the flow of fluids in the arm.
- Don't get manicures that cut or overstress the skin around the nails.
- Don't permit blood pressure testing on your at-risk arm. If you've had breast cancer in both breasts, ask that your blood pressure be tested on your thigh. If this is not possible, ask that the person measuring your blood pressure inflate the cuff only slightly above your normal systolic pressure (the first, higher number of your blood pressure).
- Don't permit the skin of your at-risk arm to be pierced for any reason: injections, drawing blood, or vaccinations. (Don't trust anyone, not even your personal physician, to remember which is your at-risk arm.) If you've had breast cancer in both breasts along with underarm lymph node dissections, blood should be drawn from another part of your body. If blood must be drawn from your arm, use your non-dominant arm (your left arm, if you are right-handed; your right arm, if you are left-handed). If one side had no lymph node dissection, use the arm on that side, regardless of whether it's your dominant arm.
An original video-on-demand educational initiative brought to you by and Comcast. Visit each week through the end of October for engaging, up-to-date videos and information about the fight to end breast cancer.
ini ada buku berbentuk pdf, berjudul LASKAR PELANGI karangan Andrea hirata.
laskar pelangi kan ada tetralogi, ini yang berjudul "sang pemimpi" akan saya bagi jadi 3 bagian file tuk downloadnya.
Bagi yang suka membaca buku laskar pelangi , ini kelanjutannya yang sesi "sang pemimpi"
silahkan di download ... ini linknya :
DOWNLOAD "sang pemimpi (3) tamat.
kalo suka ada juga sesi yang berjudul "EDENSOR "
kasih komentar tuk upload lagi ya !!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
ada cewek yang MALU mengaku bahwa dia bispak / bisyar.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
malah anda bisa dapat duit lho... dengan menjawab pertanyaan di sana...