Friday, November 2, 2007

Amazing Hair Days Depend on Quality Hair Products

Nothing beats a beautiful head of hair! Admit it: whether you have long, flowing locks, bold spikes, or bouncing curls, your hair is an extension of your personality. And for most of us in today’s time-crunched society, taking care of it is no easy manner.

You need not be a celebrity, nor spend hours sitting in a salon styling chair to achieve natural, beautiful hair. With the right hair products and advice from the experts, you can turn every day into an amazing hair day. But where do you start?

Celebrity stylist Roy Teeluck has spent the last 22 years honing his craft at some of the most prestigious salons around the globe, and he says fabulous hair is no secret. “Really, really beautiful hair is naturally feminine and beautiful", he says. “And that look starts out with a style that works with rather than against your hair’s own natural texture.”

Taking advantage of our hair’s natural properties is where many people become confused. It’s no wonder; grocery store shelves are packed with products promising quick-fix solutions to achieving dream hair. You might even have a large collection of half-used, poor performing," shampoos & conditioners stashed away somewhere in your bathroom.

Unfortunately, many people choose products that are just not right for their hair at the microscopic level, deep within the hair and scalp where marvelous hair begins.

Without getting too technical, your body chemistry, more specifically your body’s pH level, is a major factor that shapes the kind of “hair day” you are going to have. Essentially everyone’s body has a distinct pH level ranging somewhere between two extremes: acid and alkaline. And as odd as it may sound, your hair takes on a positive electrical charge when it is slightly acidic.

But enough about science! The important thing to remember is that for your hair to look its best, it needs to stay positively charged. That positive charge helps create natural, beautiful hair, and that translates into more self-confidence.

Luckily, there are a variety of quality salon products to improve your hair’s chemistry and give your hair a positive charge. While it’s true that not any one shampoo or conditioner works for all of us, there are products that tackle a variety of common problems including treating color damaged hair or keeping hair moisturized.

Teeluck confesses that products made from botanical ingredients and polymers have the most benefit for your hair. Healthy hair relies on a balance of several key ingredients including proteins, moisture enhancers, essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals.

Teeluck says color-treated hair can lose its vibrancy and shine between treatments. Using the correct salon products prior to and following coloring will help keep your hair it’s healthiest.

Keeping hair properly moisturized is an even more widespread problem. Many factors contribute to hair drying out – from the climate you live in, to too many hours under a blow dryer – your hair can become brittle, dry and damaged.

To keep hair moisturized, Teeluck recommends a shampoo and conditioner from Nexxus that are famous for their moisturizing properties. By improving your hair’s moisture, you are also strengthening your hair by boosting its elasticity, and that leads to fuller, healthier hair.

There is no end to the clutter of hair care solutions on the market today. TV shows and magazine ads bombard you with an endless parade of products promising to improve your hair’s health. Ultimately, your best bet is to trust hair care experts Teeluck and other master stylists at Nexxus. You can start by finding your personal Nexxus level, and by trying some complimentary hair product samples.

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